Phone: (901) 276-LIVE (5483) mailto:

We Can Only Accept Donations from NA Members

VRC 39 May Committee Meeting Meeting ID 543 3351 825 One tap mobile +13017158592,,5433351825# US

WTASC Area Service Committee

Meets in person and on ZOOM. Meeting ID –812 2271 0595 8500 Walnut Grove Rd, Cordova, TN

Unity Day Picnic, Chattanooga

3020 Kings Pointe road, Chattanooga TN. 37412 3020 Kings Pointe Road, Chattanooga, TN

Unity Day 2021 Flyer

Regional P&P

901 350 5030 Passcode: NATN (phone Passcode: 374794)

VRC 39 Programming Sub-committee Meeting

Topic: VRC 39 Programming Meeting Agenda is to finish scheduling. Not selecting speakers yet.   Time: June 13, 2021 01:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada) Meeting ID: 936 6007 7811 One tap mobile 19292056099,,93660077811#

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