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PR Week

The first week in June every year is PR week. This year's dates are 5–11 June 2022. We encourage every service body to commit to at least one PR-related activity this week. PR Week is a great time to raise awareness about PR service within NA and to increase our visibility and strengthen our relationships […]

NA Unity & Fellowship event, Mindy B 3 yrs, Paula R speaker

1st Presbyterian Church 403 South Main Street, Covington

June 14, 6:30-8 pm Growing in Faith Today (G.I.F.T.) presents NA Unity & Fellowship Come unite with us and enjoy the fellowship with free food, speaker, and birthday celebration. No addict turned away. Donaways will be welcomed. Paula R speaking on unity and fellowship. Mindy B celebrates 3 years.

Matt H Celebrates 18 Months at Welcome Home

2:30 pm @ 6/19 Marcus M. will be speaking!! Stop by to help us celebrate and hear a message of recovery!! 3711 Pleasant Hill Rd, Olive Branch, MS 38654 2:30-4pm

Archive Action Review Plan (ad-hoc Committee) Meeting

6/19@3 pm Archive Action Review Plan (ad-hoc Committee) Meeting Meeting on Zoom to discuss several issues concerning the Area Archives Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 730 914 7435 Passcode: 42 One tap mobile +19292056099,,7309147435#,,,,*42# US (New York) +13017158592,,7309147435#,,,,*42# US (Washington DC) Dial by your location +1 929 205 6099 US (New York) +1 301 […]

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