Phone: (901) 276-LIVE (5483) mailto:

We Can Only Accept Donations from NA Members

The Area Public Relations Sub-Committee meets June 22nd on ZOOM.


Serving on Area sub-committees is a good way to begin your service path or to give back to the fellowship that which we have so freely been given. There is no clean time requirement to attend any of our committee meetings. Meeting ID: 96064845034 Password: 121212

Mandy R, 9 years at Clean AIR – Hybrid

Wesleyan Hills Methodist Church 390 S Yates, Memphis, TN

Zoom Meeting -  Join Us Meeting ID: 657 640 780 Passcode: cleanair One tap mobile +19292056099,,657640780#,,,,,,0#,,489153# US (New York) +13017158592,,657640780#,,,,,,0#,,489153# US (Germantown)

VRC 43 Planning Meeting at 2nd Baptist Church

Second Baptist Church 4680 Walnut Grove, Memphis, TN

7/9/24 at 7 pm 2nd Baptist Church 4680 Walnut Grove Rd Room 118, Memphis, TN, 38120 Enter below the breezeway across from the gym on the right, buzz the keypad to gain entry Where Never Alone and GHOD meet. It will be immediately following the Never Alone meeting

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